Class Descriptions
Every year we aim to incorporate information for dancers to select the appropriate class. Please read these descriptions carefully and select the best one for you! All classes except Challenge will incorporate low-impact techniques and will be suitable for anyone who is injured, needs to be careful, or is simply interested in exploring ways to keep dancing as long as possible.
FUNDAMENTALS: This course is for new, recent or returning dancers, as well as anyone who is interested in really working on the basics of feet, arms and hands, and eye contact. Build your confidence and your knowledge of the central formations of Scottish country dancing. Dancers will become more comfortable dancing from talk-throughs only and develop the ability to smoothly transition between steps and formations. This class will teach and improve the following steps and formations:
INTERMEDIATE: This course requires a working knowledge of all the basic steps and formations (see above). Dancers should be able to dance a simple dance from a talk-through only and achieve some continuity between basic formations. The intermediate class will focus on teamwork, handing, eye contact, phrasing, deportment, and covering. This class will concentrate on improving the basic steps and formations and learning and improving the intermediate steps and formations: EXPERIENCED SOCIAL: This course is for intermediate and advanced dancers who wish to expand their repertoire of dances and formations in a social setting. Dancers should be able to dance all basic and intermediate steps and formations (see above). The focus will be less on technique and more on dancing.
ADVANCED/CHALLENGE: This course is for dancers who perform at a high level and wish to be challenged further. This will be a physically demanding class requiring a good level of physical fitness. Dancers should be proficient in the above steps and formations. The class aims to expand the repertoire of advanced formations and dances; polish individual technique with continued emphasis on teamwork, phrasing, and covering; and increase the quality of dancing physically demanding formations and dances.