Send your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose for a Single Source person
  • To track the usage of the program by managing the inquiries and the responses to the inquiries.
  • To field the inquiries to the appropriate resource teachers.
  • To keep a record of the inquiries and the replies.
  • To supply appropriate inquiries and replies to TACTalk editor for possible publication.
Single Source Job Description

All questions for the Teacher Resource Program will be directed to the single source person whether they are emails, letters or phone calls. The single source person shall record pertinent data for each inquiry and then direct it to a resource teacher that is listed under the inquiry's topic. If the inquiry is by phone, the single source person will send it on to a resource teacher by email. The inquiry will be in print form from then on. The resource teacher could respond by calling or writing the inquirer but send the single source person their reply via email for the record. The single source person shall record the day the inquiry was received, the question, the inquirer and to whom the inquiry was sent and when. The single source person shall receive a copy of the reply, record the day the reply was received, the file with reply with the copy of the inquiry.


Note 1:  Members of the Teacher Resource Program need to deal with all inquiries and responses in a timely manner.

Note 2: TRP member will act as the single source person who will be responsible for fielding inquiries. The inquiries will then be sent to one of the resource teachers depending on the nature of the inquiry. The Resource Teacher would then respond directly to the inquirer in a timely fashion with a copy to the single source person as well. The single source person will then maintain a file of the correspondences for future reference, for tracking the program usage and for possible publication in TACTalk.